Saturday, 28 March 2015

US Border Issues Websites

The official White House website has a whole section dedicated to the 'issue' of immigration. This was of particular interest as the concept of immigration, in a country whose own foundations were formed by immigrants, being considered as 'issue' is quite ironic. The main problems seem to be the tax evasion  of illegal immigrants, in both personal and work life, as employers like to hire illegal immigrants to 'game the system'. According to the site there are over 11 million people living in the shadows in America, a number that the government is no doubt under scrutiny for. 

Obama's actions 'will help secure the border, prioritize felons, not families, and hold undocumented immigrants accountable by requiring them to pass a criminal background check and pay their fair share of taxes, and modernizes the legal immigration system. These are common-sense steps, but only Congress can finish the job'. This attack on Congress seems to suggest that it is the Republicans that are holding back the development of immigration laws and presents them as being very anti US border issues.

"The mission of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is to examine immigration trends and effects, to educate the American people on the impacts of sustained high-volume, immigration, and to discern, put forward, and advocate immigration policies that will best serve American environmental, societal, and economic interests today and into the future."

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a 'national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens' that believes that America's immigration policies need to be reformed to best serve the country. Their main points are that they want to improve border security, stop illegal immigration and promote immigration levels 'consistent with the national interest'. 

The organisation have more than 250,000 members and supporters nationwide and aim to encourage and help concerned citizens use their voices to speak up for improved immigration laws. Their publications and research are used by government officials and academics to prepare new legislation and they have been called to testify on immigration bills before Congress more than any other organisation in America.

FAIR can be seen as a positive influence on the American immigration laws as they aim to improve and develop the current laws so that America's best interests are met.

Here are some interesting data maps concerning immigration within states, just click the picture below: