Monday, 16 March 2015

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official name of this religion, although it is more commonly referred to as the Mormon Church. 

It was created by Joseph Smith in 1830, who became the first president of the Church. Joseph Smith is believed to have had a vision of God and Jesus after he prayed to ask what Church to join. They believe that Joseph Smith was asked by God and Jesus to restore the church which Christ organised when he was on earth. 

The Church of Jesus Christ began with six original members in 1830 and now has nearly 14 million members on six continents.
They believe in the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon and they believe that every President of their church is a prophet. With the current President and prophet being Thomas S. Monson.

They believe in helping others, and being selfless, as well as partaking in missionary work. The church encourages all able young men to undertake a two year missionary service at the age of 19.

“Imagine you found a cure for cancer. How urgently would you spread the news of your discovery? Who would you tell? The gospel of Jesus Christ is the cure for so many of life's ills that Mormons want to share the good news of eternal life with the same urgency.”

Their values are similar to that of other religions, although they are particularly focused on the family; “In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints families come first.”

They believe that everyone on earth, whether a Mormon or not, is a child of God. They also believe that they can continue to exist as families even after death.
In Mormon households they have a regular evening in which the whole family comes together to share in spiritual training, for example, by singing hymns and by praying together.

Whilst 99% of Mormons are Latter-day Saints, some members broke away and have become known as Fundamentalist Mormons. They mainly differ to Latter-Day Saints due to their belief in polygamy (having multiple wives)

I feel that this group can be seen as particularly ‘American’ as it has a strong framework based around the family and helping others. I feel that this is very American as I think that traditionally Americans are seen as wanting to better themselves for their family, as shown through the American dream. People want to live the American dream and be able to provide for their families. Mormons are also particularly focused on helping others and the community which I feel is something than can be seen as traditionally American as I feel that America is often associated with having a close community.  This link leads to a map showing what percentage of each state is a part of the Mormon faith (as well as other religions).

Mormon Website:
Other sources:

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